1. Kindly Read Instructions before submitting online application.
2. You will be required to fill in all the necessary information in the application form. Make sure to provide accurate and complete details.
3. Next, upload all the required documents, such as educational certificates, identity proof, and any other relevant documents.
4. Once you have successfully submitted the application, a QR code will be generated. Please make sure to pay the non-refundable application fee using this QR code.
5.Please note that VICER reserves the right to verify all the information provided in the application. If at any point, it is found that the information is not genuine, your application will be rejected.
6.The application fee for Varam ReproGenesis is Rs. 750. This fee is non-refundable. Only the selected applicants will be contacted for further steps in the application process.
7. Thank you for choosing Varam ReproGenesis. We look forward to welcoming you to our family.
* Application fee is not refundable. Final list of selected students will be intimated
Application Form